Monday, 19 December 2011

Guidance for APGENCO AEs/Electrical Exam :

APGENCO , Assistant Engineer Exam pattern is for 100 Marks out of which 70 marks for Technical and remaining 30 marks for analytical, so the appearants has to concentrate equally on Technical as well as analytical aspect.
Even though the number of posts appears to be huge number, coming to branch wise, zonal wise, and community wise , the number of posts results in a single digit.
At the same time, the number of applications are in the range of 01: 100 and even more. Hence one can easily understood the competition for APGENCO Tr.AEs Exam ….
To Succeed in  such type of heavy competitive exams, a smart , but  not hard , preparation is required.
Also , the exam is going to be conduct on 22 jan 2012, and hence very short span of time is available  for preparation ::

Hence it is suggested that the candidate who had taken GATE coaching , they can primarily concentrate on the GATE-class notes & then concentrate objectives available in the standard text books..
Upto 2008 ,   most of the questions appeared in the exam are from the following text books…
01. Electrical Power Systems ----  CL Wadhwa   (  Back side Bits)
02. Electrical Objectives        ----   J.B.Gupta
03. Electrical Machinery       -----    PS Bimbra   ( Networks + Machines) Backside bits

It can be concluded that , by observing the previous exam pattern that, a simple preparation is enough for answering the questions from the Circuit Theory and Control System subjects…

Coming to the analytical part, even though the candidate is examined for 30 marks , but these 30 marks are very crucial as well as the deciding factor also , because ; all the applicants are familier with the technical subject and hence at the end of the technical part ; there  may not be much difference in the marks scored in technical subject..
Further it is suggested that , even though we are technically sound, due to tension, exam fobio & some other reason; we will do mistakes even we can able to answer the questions..
If you are prepare in systematic way in this short span time, you can easily get succeed …
Some sample Technical questions are given below for reference….
And I wish tou ALL THE BEST…………….
                                                                             Narendra Naik

 Electrical Sample Questions ::--
Ø  which of the following statements associated with purely resistive circuits is correct?
(a) PF is unity (b) Power consumed is zero (c) Heat produced is zero (d) PF is zero
Ø  The magnetic field energy in an inductor changes from maximum value to minimum value in in 5m sec when connected to an ac source. The frequency of the source is
(a) 20 Hz (b) 50 Hz (c) 200 Hz (d) 500 Hz
Ø  The transfer function of a system is used to determine
            a. the output for a given input
            b. the type of system
            c. the input for a given output
           d. the steady state gain
Ø  In a servo system the voltage induced in the control transformer rotor is the
           a. error voltage
           b. driving voltage
          c. opposing voltage
         d. none of these
Ø  With the feedback system, the transient response
o   decays slowly
b. decays rapidly
c. rises slowly
d. rises quickly
Ø  Voltage variable resister is?
                                    ans: FET
Ø  Fault at generating station is?
                                          ans:L-G fault
Ø  Transfer function of Tachometer is?
                                              ans: Ks

Ø  The system whose characteristic equation has the following roots is marginally stable
        (a) -j, j, -1,1 (b) -3,-2,0 (c) -2+3j, -2-3j, -2 (d) -3,-2,-1
Ø  Electronic control systems have the serious draw-backs of
        (a) low reliability (b) operational difficulty (c) temperature sensitiveness (d) all of above
Ø  The Direction of current in an ac circuit
(a) is from positive to negative (b) is always in one direction (c) varies from instant to instant (d)Cannot be determined
Ø  The ratio of voltage and electric current in a closed circuit
(a) remains constant (b) varies (c) increases (d) falls
Ø  The resistance of a wire varies inversely as
(a) area of cross section (b) length (c) resistivity (d) temperature
Ø  The electrical conductivity of metals is typically of the order of ( in ohm-1 m-1)
(a) 10 to the power of 7 (b) 10 to the power of 5 (c) 10 to the power of -4
  (d) 10 to the power of -6
Ø  A phase log compensation will
     (a) improve relative stability
    (b)increase the speed of response
     (c)increase band-width
      (d) increase overshoot
Ø  For Nyquist plot we use
               a. open loop function
         b. closed loop function
         c. characteristic equation
        d. any of the above
Ø  A system with gain margin close to unity or a phase margin close to zero is
          a. highly stable
          b. oscillatory
          c. relatively stable
         d. none of these
Ø  Root locus diagram exhibits the
         a. frequency response of a system
         b. poles of the transfer function for a set of parameter values
        c. bandwidth of system
       d. all of the above
Ø  Increase in the gain K makes the system
            a. more stable
            b. unstable
            c. none of above
Ø           Which of the following types of instrument is an integrating instrument?
                a. power factor meter
               b. energy meter
               c. wattmeter
              d. frequent meter
Ø  If the Supply voltage is increased by n times, the cross section of conducter will [increase/decrease] by ________ times ?
Ø  The Frequency is measured by _________ bridge ?

Ø  Which of the material is used for the ’swamping’ resistance that is connected in series with the working coil of a voltmeter?
            a. Constantan
            b. Manganin
           c. Eureka            d. Nichrome
Ø  The elements which are not capable of delivering energy by its own are known as
(a) unilateral elements (b) non-linear elements (c) passive elements (d) active elements
Ø  The magentic susceptibility of paramagnetic material is
(a) less than zero (b) less than one but positive (c) greater than one (d) equal to zero
Ø  What are used to increase the range of ammeters.
          a. Multipliers
        b. Shunts
       c. Control Springs
       d. Potential transformers
Ø  Which voltmeter do you select for measuring 50KV DC?
         a. Moving Coil Voltmeter
         b. Hot wire voltmeter
         c. Electro Dynamo meter
         d. Electrostatic Voltmeter
Ø  Which of the following you will prefer to extend the range of an ac voltmeter?
       a. Low series resistance
       b. high resistance in parallel
       c. CT
      d. PT
Ø  Creeping is the phenomena occurs in
           a. voltmeter
           b. wattmeter
           c. energy meter
           d. ammeter
Ø  The Source internal resitanse Rs , When equal to Load resistance RL, the maximum transfered is of _____ % of input power?
Ø  solar cell is used like as a ………………….(photo voltaiac)
Ø  frequency of RC-phase shift oscillator usig JFET is:
Ø  zero-sequence nw of star(with solidneutral)-delta?
Ø  given all the losses of IM then u have to find out efficiency? also given i/p
                                                         sol: formula: (1-(losses/input))*100
Ø  in half adder sum is given by?
                                           ans:A EX-OR B
Ø  in J-K FF race around condition occurs only when?
Ø  Four resistors, each of resistance R ohms are available. The minimum resistance of the combination will be
(a) 4R (b) R (c) R/4 (d) R/8

Ø  for data trancemission which FF is used?
Ø  steady state stability can be det by?
                                 ans:final value thearom
Ø  stability factor for self biased ckt is?
Ø  slack bus is called as :(generator bus,loadbus,y bus ,zbus)
Ø  water hammer effect produce in:(penstock, surgetank
Ø  the sag form b/w 2 poles is? ans:caternory
Ø  active transduser is? ans:photo voltaic cell
Ø  Slack bus is reprasented as? ans:1.Zbus 2.ybus
Ø  r/r’=.7788
Ø  To draw equal area criterion how many machines are used?
                                               ans: one machine at infinite bus.
Ø  some problems are given based on the following formulas
          (1).surge impedence
          (2).Deq=(Dab Dbc Dca)^1/3
         (3).Z p.u =(Kv)^2/(MVA)
       (4).Load Factor
       (5).Inductance L =GMD/GMR
Ø  Problems based on the formula weather the given system K/((s+a)(s+b)) is
                                    ans:a. overdamped b. undamped c.stable
Ø  write the formula for alpha in terms of beta?
Ø  qn on characteristic impedance
                                     ans.characteristic impedance is independent on length
High AC voltages are usually measured with
      a. magnetic voltmeter
      b. inductive voltmeter
      c. potential transformers with voltmeters
      d. current transformers and voltmeters

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The APGENCO released AEs notification:
Hai friends,
The long awaiting APGENCO AEs Notification, it has just released on 14-12-2011 .
The Total Number of Posts of Trainee Assistant Engineer for EEE,MECH,ECE & CIVIL is 411 (General Recruitment-350 and Limited Recruitment - 61 )
Online Application are Available from : 20-12-2011 to 03-01-2012
Exam Date : 22-01-2012.....

                                       Number  of  Posts

                                   Eletrical            :       219
                                   Mechanical       :       100
                                   Electronics       :        030
                                   Civil                :        062
                                   Total               :        411

The Detailed Notification may available   and

The Sample Questions will be post by the next week for AE/Electrical.


AP TRANSCO also announced the notification for AEs-250 posts
and Sub-Engineers - 347.... the AP TRANSCO notification is aviailable
from 20-12-2011 in and